We gratefully accept donations in any amount. Our needs are listed below.
Checks may be made Payable to: Cold Springs Cemetery Foundatio0n
and dropped off or mailed to :
Debra Kerrison - Board Secretary: 4849 Cold Springs Road
Lockport, NY 14094
Kathryn Shorey-Munro - Treasurer: P.O. 1228,
Lockport, New York 14095
Basic costs are mowing, tree and stump removal, gravel for the driveways, electricity, snow removal, monument repairs, tree replacement and spraying. Low interest rates have forced the Board to withdraw not only interest, but principal from existing funds over the past several years.
After a plot is purchased and after burial, care-taking continues forever. Hundreds of the graves have no local family to tend them. The Board is asking that local and non-local families whose relatives are buried in the cemetery, to please consider donating toward the maintenance fund and to keep Cold Springs Cemetery as a beautiful resting area for local attraction to those visiting Lockport.
The Board is looking for
- Major private donations to bolster the funds used in maintaining the cemetery.
- Volunteers to aid in research and writing for grants
- Local volunteer assistance with maintenance throughout the year and especially after storms.
Donations can be made payable to Cold Springs Cemetery Foundation and dropped off or sent to 4849 Cold Springs Road, Lockport, NY 14094 or P.O. Box 1228, Lockport, NY 14095 . Any donation would be greatly appreciated. We are a 501C3, therefore, tax deductible.
The Board of Trustees thank those who have already donated and your continued support of one of Lockport's most beautiful resting grounds.